Rome is a city located in the country of Italy that possess a plethora of historic and rather iconic buildings. A lot of tourists will tell you the best Italy travel advice they can give you is that this particular city will definitely surpass all of your expectations.
An Italy tourism guide can help you locate different historic buildings that are still erect throughout the region. The coliseum is one of the most popular places to visit when trying to engage in the entire Rome experience.

This majestic building was built in 1st century AD and was once the site of gladiatorial battles where individuals would fight to the death. For many tourists, this one piece of Roman history will forever remain indented in their minds. It is hard to imagine how frightful fighting in this large stone hall must have been for the thousands of people who lost their lives, simply because they were defeated in battle. If the coliseum seems like a grim place to visit, there are other historical places that you can visit throughout the city as well.
The Pantheon is another glorious piece of Roman architecture that can still be admonished today. This building has the biggest brick dome of any building that has ever been made. Apparently, legend has it that the building was constructed around 25BC as a temple to the gods. Apparently, the gods enjoyed this admonishment, or the temple would still not be standing today.
People that visit the city of Rome as a couple simply adore visiting the Fontana Di Trevi. This magical fountain is said to bring lost lovers together. It is made from stone and it features the Roman virgin Trivia as its centerpiece.
The fountain was built in the eighteenth century and it is still as decadent now as it was back then.
Another incredible place to visit while on your tour of Italy is Vatican City. Even though this city is not considered to be a historic building it is still presently used today as the main resting place for the current Catholic pope. Some parts of the city are closed off from tourists, however just being able to stand outside of the gates of this decadent place is enough to take your breath away.
Italy tourism guides are positioned throughout the country to help tourists find their way around from place to place.
In order to ensure that you see everything that the city of Rome has to offer it would behoove you to hire an Italy guide. These guides live in the country, and they can take you around to some of the most desirable places to see while you are on your vacation in their homeland.
The current count of different historical places to see in Rome is seventy five. However, there are always new discoveries being made throughout the city and the country that you may found other exciting places to venture to while you are traveling. Some tourists believe that once you have taken one voyage to this country, you will always come back for more.