Sonoma wine tours – San Francisco is very lucky to be located right in the middle of three of the finest and most respected wine productions regions in the United States. We could go into a very long explanation which could describe in detail all of the very nice venues and fun attractions in San Francisco, but why do that when we could tell you about Sonoma Valley, the most relaxing destination in the San Francisco Bay Area!

Although Napa Valley is the proclaimed Jewell of American wine production, for those fortunate enough to be able to visit the area, there are a number of excellent wineries in Sonoma Valley that are hidden gems amongst the gems.
Sonoma is a very easy drive from the San Francisco Bay Area, and if done while in a limousine for a private tour, can be one of the most scenic drives on the entire west coast.
The rolling golden mountains that line the horizon are beyond picturesque, the 360-degree view from many wineries produce a stunning view of the valley, and the endless vineyards provide the type of view that is the perfect mood setter for any sort of even that you might be in the mood for. Most of the wineries provide tours of their wine caves, vineyards, and production cellars where barrel tasting can set the stage for a great cheese and wine pairing that will put you in a very comfortable mood as you set off for the next vineyard.
This list is by no means comprehensive, and is meant more as a reference for you to look at, try one, and move to the next on the list if your senses concur!
Obviously, wine tasting is such a personal experience that preferences play a major role in determining which label is right for you, but the list below provides a pretty good list fo very popular and versatile wineries in the Sonoma Valley area.
Gundlach-Bundschu Winery. Address: 2000 Denmark Street Sonoma, CA 95476. Phone Number: 707-938-5277
Ravenswood Winery. Address: 18701 Gehricke Road Sonoma, CA
95476 Phone number: 707-938-1960 888-669-4679
Chateau St. Jean. Address: 8555 Sonoma Hwy Kenwood, CA
95452 Phone number: 707-833-4134 800-543-7572
Gloria Ferrer Champagne Caves. Address: 23555 Highway 121 Sonoma, CA 95476. Phone number: 707-996-7256
Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery. Address: 389 East Fourth Street Sonoma, CA 95476 Phone number: 707-933-3200
The five wineries above have always stood out as a great selection for a summer day adventure into the lush green Sonoma valley wine culture, and I am positive that if you can find some time on a Saturday or Sunday to either drive out to Sonoma or book a limousine to take you on a private tour, you will not regret it in the least bit!