
Wood Buffalo National Park in Fort McMurray Canada

Wood Buffalo National Park is the largest park in Canada, and covers an area of 11,070,000 acres. To put it into perspective, Wood Buffalo National park covers more territory than the entire country of Switzerland. It is located across northeastern Alberta and into the Southern portion of the Northwest Territories. It is treasured by residents of Fort McMurray. In the summer, lots of families leave their Fort McMurray furnished suites and head out to the park to see the incredible natural landscape and the diverse wildlife.

Top-rated vacation destinations in North America

When it comes to living your best life, why not reach for the top? Traveling is one of the very best ways to live big, and we have compiled a list of North American destinations that have proven their A-list status to travelers. This list includes cities with 600+ reviews, ranked in order from highest …

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The wonders of Banff National Park

Capturing the beauty of Canada’s natural treasure. Canada is filled with awe-inspiring scenic vistas, and the Rocky Mountain views of Banff National Park are probably the most jaw-dropping of them all. Be it winter or summer, Banff makes for the perfect canvas for a photographer’s lens. It’s massive, it’s barren, its filled with beauty and outdoor adventures.