Best Dive Spots in Baja Mexico

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An amazing array of sea life make the crystal clear waters off Baja Mexico perfect for scuba diving. Advanced divers will enjoy exploring offshore destinations on the Pacific ocean on Baja’s west side. On the east side any diver will enjoy the warm and calm waters of the Sea of Cortez. Choose from rock and coral reefs, kelp fields and shipwrecks. Due to their proximity to each other, it’s easy to fit several dive destinations into one trip to Mexico. Most towns have a dive shop and charter boat services.





Islas de Coronado and Islas Todos Santos, Pacific Coast

These two sets of islands off the Pacific coast of Baja Mexico can be easily reached from Ensenada. Both of these areas feature rock reefs, kelp beds and encrusted sea pinnacles amid scenic, sandy flats.  The visibility on the Pacific is clear throughout the year due to its fast-moving, cold waters.  However, they are not for the novice and a trusted guide should be used for dive trips.

Ensenada has many dive shops.

Cabo San Quintin, Pacific Coast

Almost halfway down the Pacific Coast of Baja is Cabo San Quintin. Offshore of this sleepy Baja fishing village is Johnston’s Seamount, a site that is world renowned for both underwater photography and spear fishing. Cold-water upwellings offer visibility between 50 and 80 feet, providing crystal clear conditions to explore kelp beds, hydrocoral formations, lobsters, abalones, and a colorful variety of fish. The nearby Bahia del Rosario offers a four-kilometer long reef known as the “Graveyard of the Pacific” where divers can explore the remains of ancient shipwrecks.

Bahia de los Angeles, Sea of Cortez

The warm waters of the Sea of Cortez around the Bahia de los Angeles are teeming with sea life. Located halfway down the Baja, Bahia de los Angeles is sheltered by a large offshore island, Isla Angel de la Guarda. A variety of whales breed there, as do sea turtles. Dolphins and a colony of sea lions live there year round and even elephant seals can occasionally be spotted.  A rock reef called La Ventana is easily reached by skiff from local fishermen. A full dive shop including air compression services is located in town.

Cabo San Lucas, Best of Both Coasts

The tip of the Baja Peninsula offers many stunning dive spots making it a year round favorite destination for divers. The most dramatic dives take place just off Land’s End in the Cabo Marine Preserve. Pelican Rock and Neptunes Finger are also located in the park. Marine life includes hammerheads and eagle and manta rays along with smaller, colorful reef fish.

The dramatic sand falls can be visited just off the Playa del Amor at Lands End. A dramatic underwater canyon is located just 50 feet off shore, and sand from the beach drops in rivers for more than 2 kilometers down the granite canyon walls in beautiful ‘sand falls’. The granite walls themselves are full of colorful corals and other interesting sea life.

A road trip is a great way to fit in several of the spectacular Baja Mexico dive spots into one vacation. Dive shops featuring air compression services are widely available. If you are driving to Mexico, you should consider adding travel and legal assistance services to your Mexico auto insurance policy. Travel assistance has many benefits to divers, including offering emergency medical services, which will be invaluable in the case of an accident. Talk to your Mexico insurance company and plan a dive trip to Baja today!


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